Saturday, June 12, 2010

Long time no talk!

Holy Cow--It's been so long since I wrote on here! :) Anna reminded me that I even had a blog, but the end of the school year is always busy. I had something going every night that Grandmom has had to keep Miss Brylee Paige.

So here is a little update! I had a great first mother's day with Brylee. Her and Chris got me separate cards but a together gift of a spa day filled with a facial, massage, a pedi and a mani. I can't wait to use it but I'm waiting till this summer when I can't stand being cooped up in the house any longer!!

I had to go back to school about 4 weeks ago and my grandmom had the joy of keeping her. As she would say, "You keep that girl full, dry, and happy and your life will be great". Well I did everything else but keeping her full. BP can eat! We had to start her on cereal around a month and a half and things have been so much better since! She's full and sleeps so much better!!

Let's see...we are starting on our house! After a thousand different house plans and one final contractor fee I think that we are ready to head to the bank and (gulp) spend that huge amount of money for a house!! It was important to Chris and I that we have a house that is nice but we want to spend more money on family trips and have fun with our little girl!

I have decided to go to TAMU-Commerce and get my Masters in Counseling. I have gotten accepted and just have to take the GRE and I start next spring. I hope that I can juggle that, BP, a new house, and being a good wife. We'll see!

I will post some pictures later or you can just get on my facebook and look at those pictures!

Until next time......

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baby Brylee

Chris and I were blessed on March 24, 2010 with the birth of our new baby girl-Brylee Paige Hughes at 3:19pm. After laboring from 5 am to 3 and I pushed for 20 minutes we welcomed her into this world! She has been a blessing to us along with a big change. It's a good change. We are worn out but it's a different good tired. We recently switched to formula which has been a huge burden lifted off my shoulders.

On Thursday, we had her pictures taken and things didn't go as planned! She pooped all over Melanie's couch and then pooped a second time all over Chris!!! Finally we got everything under control and hopefully have great pictures! I'll post as soon as I get them from Newsome Photography!

Family and Friends have been so helpful. My mom stayed with us for 3 days when we brought Brylee home and now I'm going to Wolfe City every 3rd day to stay with my parents while Chris is at the firestation.

I'll update soon--hopefully

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break

Well I have been so behind on updating this, I hope that I do better when Brylee gets here so that people that live away can check up!

This past weekend, Chris and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary. With me being so pregnant, we couldn't really go anywhere and spend the night (from the doctor's orders), so we decided to relive our first date. We went and ate at SaltGrass, then went and looked for Miss Brylee an Easter dress which there was no luck. They apparently don't make 0-3 month frilly Easter dresses!! After we walked around and let our food digest we went and ate Ben and Jerry's ice cream! Delicious! Chris and I talked about how blessed we have been over the past year, from a wonderful family, to selling our house, to being blessed with a wonderful miracle.

Well I started going on my weekly doctor's visits about 2 weeks ago and last week he decided to go ahead and induce me on the 24th which is Chris' birthday! He said that that is the best present he could have asked for. We went to the doctor on Monday and I'm still a zero and they said that they were 100% sure that she wouldn't be coming on her own! So Chris and I have decided (actually I have) to go to work on Monday and 1/2 day on Tuesday and then take off and get some stuff done! I want to make Chris' birthday cake/cookies and some Chex Mix Puppy Chow so I can eat it after I get finished! I know, only I would be thinking about food!!!

Well I think that I'm caught up for now, I will post more when the time comes!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Brylee's new room

Here is the pictures of Little Miss Priss's room!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Busy

WOW! It's been a long time since the last time that I posted and a lot has happened. I will start from the top!

I'm feeling great and counting down the days! Only 46 days left, if I can make it. I keep thinking to myself that my stomach can't possible stretch any more than what it is already doing! I have my first shower this weekend, so I'll have to take lots of pictures and write a new post to add them! Here are 2 pictures that Casey Hale painted for Brylee's room! :) Hope you like!

Chris found a lump in his armpit. He didn't think anything of it so he went ahead and just blew it off. We were getting dressed and I noticed when he raised his arm that it was swollen and I finally questioned him enough to get it looked out. He went to his general doctor and he sent him to see a specialist. 2 weeks ago, he went in for surgery and we found out that it wasn't cancer (thank the Dear Lord)! He's basically immobile and can't lift anything heavy which brings me to our next big news!

We sold the house!!! :) It's been on the market about 9 months and I kept saying to Chris, you know that we will sell the house right before Brylee is born don't you? We close on the 18th! We are really excited to get our own house built but we are putting that on hold till after we spend time we our precious baby girl! For right now, we are moving into Chris' mother in laws house and are looking forward to central heat and air! :)

Last weekend we started packing and moving stuff over to Terri's house. We have all of Brylee's room now set up and ready to go (I'll post new pics later), the kitchen is all packed, and all the curtains are taking down. Pops has got a line of people coming over to move us out next Tuesday!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Busy little bee...

Whew what a busy few weeks it has been! Chris and I were blessed with such a wonderful Christmas. We exchanged gifts on Christmas morning after he got home from the fire station and took some great pictures! I didn't ask for much except for some pampering (massages, pedi/medi). I really wanted clothes but know that I won't have to wear them very much longer!

School started back with a freeze! It has been freezing here (9 degrees tonight)! The cold weather makes the students not want to learn but everyone is getting back to the swing of things.

I have Brylee's room almost all decorated! Casey Hale is painting 2 canvases for her room and I'm so excited to see them! My aunt has purchased my diaper bag and I'm ready to pack it right now except I'm not real sure what to even put in it!! Ohh the joys of being a new mom! Here is the diaper bag that I got! Super cute!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend! Until next time!