Friday, January 8, 2010

Busy little bee...

Whew what a busy few weeks it has been! Chris and I were blessed with such a wonderful Christmas. We exchanged gifts on Christmas morning after he got home from the fire station and took some great pictures! I didn't ask for much except for some pampering (massages, pedi/medi). I really wanted clothes but know that I won't have to wear them very much longer!

School started back with a freeze! It has been freezing here (9 degrees tonight)! The cold weather makes the students not want to learn but everyone is getting back to the swing of things.

I have Brylee's room almost all decorated! Casey Hale is painting 2 canvases for her room and I'm so excited to see them! My aunt has purchased my diaper bag and I'm ready to pack it right now except I'm not real sure what to even put in it!! Ohh the joys of being a new mom! Here is the diaper bag that I got! Super cute!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend! Until next time!